Home: Philosophy

Why did I make this website?

For as long as I can remember, I have relentlessly been searching for a way to not only feel some sort of fulfillment in my life through my actions, but also more importantly figure out a way to give back to those who have supported me and had my back.

How can I give back to the people who have shown me kindness? And how can I grow from there and make use of what I have learned from people?

At first, I wanted to do something in music… but that wasn’t enough. Besides, music isn’t the entirety of who I am. Then I thought of just tapping into Facebook and using my reach there, but Facebook in and of itself is limiting. You can only grow as much as Facebook allows you to (not that they actually limit growth, but for the sake of this thought process just go with me).

I want to create and establish something that is unrestricted and free.

I guess the term lifestyle blogger fits well here.. I want to have this platform be a vessel for free, unhinged, collaborative, engaging thoughts, ideas, and discussions.

I would like to focus on just a few facets of my life that being music, investing and photography as well as my own personal blog that’s founded on writing in a stream of consciousness style.

I kind of want to be someone who has a voice in this world. I want to make a difference in the world whilst at the same time providing a platform for my friends and family to channel themselves through.

I know for a fact I don’t have all the answers and no matter where this goes, I’m going to keep searching and I know this is only a stepping stone.

In the end…

This is for you & me.

And without further ado.. welcome to my website! Feel free to check out the different aspects of life I have chosen to spend time in via the drop-down menu!

Kindest regards,

Christian Recinos

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Want to learn a little more about me? Head to my “About Me” section here!

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